A Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative employee self-quarantined after feeling ill with symptoms of COVID-19, and has now been confirmed to have contracted the virus. The employee is currently recovering at home.

As part of our pandemic response procedures, we took early and aggressive steps to enhance social distancing and implement work-from-home practices for our employees. Consequently, this employee had no work-related public or member contact during the time period leading up to the positive test.

All employees who may have worked in close proximity to the affected employee have also been asked to quarantine themselves and take precautionary measures until any spread can be ruled out according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.

This positive test result will not significantly impact TVEC’s ability to continue essential operations and business functions.

The health and safety of our employees and members is our number one priority. During this unprecedented time, we are even more committed to supporting the affected employees and their families. Please join our co-op family in your prayers for their speedy recovery.

This is a health crisis we must deal with as a community, and we are all dependent on each other’s actions to limit the spread of the virus. We urge you to continue social distancing measures, wear masks, and do your part to help reduce the pandemic’s impact in our area.

Together, we can do our part to slow this virus and continue to power our local communities.