Why was my magazine late this month?

We’ve had a few questions regarding the mailing of the September Texas Co-op Power magazines, which includes director election ballots.

We have confirmed that magazines with ballots were mailed to all TVEC members from Dallas (where they are printed) on September 10, in accordance with the election timeline established in the TVEC bylaws. The mailing is pre-sorted and processed as required by the US Postal Service by the company that prints the magazines.

Why am I unable to get a September magazine at TVEC offices?


Does TVEC’s Operation Round Up give money to organizations outside our area?

TVEC’s Operation Round Up™ program is designed specifically to benefit charitable organizations and causes within the TVEC service area. The grant application form asks that applicants specify their services within the service area, as well as any other areas they may serve. While some organizations that receive grants may also operate outside our area, their grants are required to be used to support charitable efforts here. A full list of grants provided by your generous donations is here on the website.

Annual Meeting Reminder

October 10 is quickly approaching! Be sure to save the date for the TVEC annual meeting – 6 p.m. at the Canton Civic Center. You will definitely walk away with a great deal of co-op information and maybe a few new friends. If you are lucky you may also take home a door prize or bill credit. We look forward to seeing you there.

If you have any questions you would like answered, send them on over to johnsond@tvec.coop.