Reporting Power Outages
Be sure to have your meter and account number(s) readily available when calling to report a power outage
If you dial the 24-hour outage reporting number – 1-800-967-9324 – and you have multiple meters, you need to enter the meter number or the account number of the location you are reporting.
Outage Texting: You may set up outage texting from your mobile phone. Your phone number must be in our system and you must enroll in the service. Click here for more information and instructions.
If you dial 1-800-720-3584 the system recognizes the phone number from which you are calling and will ask if that number is the same location as the outage. If it is not, you can input the correct number and leave a message describing the outage.
Whichever system you prefer to dial, it will expedite the process if you have your meter and account numbers handy.
TVEC is dedicated to providing the most reliable power supply possible. However, if your electric power goes off, please follow these instructions:
- Check your fuses or circuit breakers to determine if the problem is within your home.
- Check to see if your neighbors have power. This will help TVEC determine whether the trouble is caused by a transformer serving your home, or is more general in nature.
- In reporting an outage to TVEC, give the person taking the call the name that appears on the bill and the account number (so that we can locate you more quickly).
- For 24-hour Automated Outage Reporting, call 1-800-967-9324, or call Member Services at 972-932-2214 or 1-800-766-9576.
- Business hours for all TVEC offices are 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- If a serviceman makes a call to your premises and finds the problem is not TVEC’s responsibility, you will be billed for a service charge to cover the expenses.
- If the outage is TVEC’s responsibility, there is not a charge.

If you have any information regarding the cause of the outage (tree limb on power lines, broken poles, etc.), please tell the dispatcher. This will speed the restoration of your service.