Feb. 3 3 p.m. Update

• TVEC Lineworkers, contract line crews and tree trimming crews are working to wrap up power restoration to some members who remain without power in the area with the most damage from falling trees this morning in northern Kaufman County.
• ERCOT expects higher demand than originally thought overnight tonight, but they have also expressed confidence in having enough power generation capacity to cover the demand. Stay tuned to TVEC.NET should conditions change.
• While the initial impact of todays icy weather is just about past us, additional outages can be expected due to ongoing tree damage as cold weather persists into the weekend, and again as we reach thawing temperatures. Trees that had been bent down into lines by heavy ice loads can rebound back into lines when the ice melts away.
Original Post:
• Freezing rain and ice accumulation began impacting the northern part of the TVEC service area early Thursday morning.
• Crews working overnight restored power to more than 2,000 members.
• Significant and potentially lengthy outages are possible if freezing rain persists, and road conditions further deteriorate.
• If your power goes out, please report your outage (800-967-9324).
• Generator Safety – It is vital that any backup generator usage is isolated from power lines. Power feeding from home generators puts lineworkers and members of the public at risk.
A Note About Service Lines: Some news reports have indicated that trees causing problems in service lines to consumer households (the line connecting the transformer to your home) are the responsibility of the consumer. This is not the case at TVEC, and any outages or limbs falling into service lines should be reported to us for professional assistance. Removing limbs from power lines, including the service line, is dangerous and possibly deadly.
Extreme cold and icy conditions are expected to remain through Saturday. If you have to be out on the roads please leave plenty of room around utility vehicles working near roadways.
Ice accumulation predictions did improve for our area overnight, giving us hope for less impact in the southern parts of the service area in particular.
Downed Power Lines: Lines that fall, and trees that are touching lines may still be energized. Please do not attempt to clear limbs or approach downed lines.
Space heaters can also be a hazard. Only operate themding to manufacturer instructions, in a clear space and never power them through extension cords or power strips, which can overheat due to the load and long operating times.
If you have prepared for a power outage with a gas generator, please take proper precautions. Never operate a generator indoors or in a garage, which may cause a buildup of carbon monoxide.
Never attach your generator to your home electrical system unless you have installed proper switchgear to prevent your generator’s power from reaching the grid. It can create a severe hazard for our lineman who are working to restore power and for members of the public. Find more generator safety tips here.
Billing Impacts
Extreme cold weather can have a tremendous impact on your electric usage as your home heating works to adjust inside temperatures by more than 50 degrees.
Water heating also uses more energy as the water coming into the house is also very cold, and may run more often due to the need to drip faucets for freeze protection.