The Cooperative will construct a new extension of its overhead distribution system to provide service within mobile home developments when five or more contiguous lots are scheduled for immediate development, under the following conditions:
- The development is a platted residential subdivision to be used or developed for mobile home dwelling units, as defined as a Permanent Installation and a Permanent Electric Service;
- The development has an approved water and sewer system and improved roads;
- The land developer shall become a member, establish credit, execute an electric service agreement, and comply with all other applicable provisions of the Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative;
- The development, in the Cooperative’s judgment, is not unduly speculative and will be developed in a planned manner;
- The Cooperative at its sole discretion may install either a front or rear lot system;
- The developer must furnish an approved meter base for each mobile home site and the metering location will be at the front or rear of each lot adjacent to the primary line route unless otherwise specified by the Cooperative at its sole discretion.
- The developer provides at no cost to the Cooperative:
- Right-of-way easements and covenants on owner’s property that are satisfactory to the Cooperative.
- Site plans (streets, wet utilities, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and landscaping plans, etc.), notice of construction start dates and construction schedules that are reasonable and industry typical for the type of work to be performed.
- Survey points for grades, lot corners, street ROW, and other locations reasonably necessary for installation of the electric system.
- Adequate disconnects, circuit breakers and receptacles at each mobile home meter location.
- Secondary service lines from the meter location to the mobile home.
Facilities Charge
- The Cooperative shall estimate the actual cost for the electric facilities including primary, secondary, electric equipment and devices, service lines and metering, required for service to the development, based on current unit material and labor costs for the same type of construction in the most recent data available. The actual cost is the total cost of all construction including not only the labor and materials used in constructing the extension, but also engineering, right-of-way acquisition and clearing, and all other costs directly attributable to the extension.
- There shall be no cost to the developer up to 1,500.00 for permanent residence for overhead or underground line extension. The Cooperative may reduce this allowance if the Cooperative determines in its sole judgment that the life of the mobile home development is less than 30 years. The developer shall be required to pay in advance of construction as aid to construction the estimated cost in excess of such amount.
- Any additional cost experienced by the Cooperative for bores, hand digging or other construction required due to placement of obstacles by the developer or home builder will be paid by the developer, home builder, or customer.
- The Cooperative will install street lighting as requested by the developer and as required to meet local lighting regulations. The developer will be required to pay 100% of the estimated cost of the street lighting facilities in advance of construction unless other contractual arrangements are in place. Street lighting facilities will include poles, fixtures, controls, conduit, wiring, and other electric equipment and devices required for the lighting system. Estimated cost for the lighting system shall mean the total cost of all construction including not only the labor and materials used in construction but also engineering, right-of-way acquisition and clearing, and all other costs directly attributable to the installation.
- All amounts paid to the Cooperative for construction shall be non-refundable.