Winter Storm Uri (February 2021) Power Cost Securitization On January 13, 2022 the Board of Directors of Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative, along with the boards of the other Member cooperatives of Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“Rayburn Electric”) and of Rayburn Electric, adopted a financing order pursuant to Subchapter D of Chapter 41 of the Texas Utilities Code, §§ 41.151 -41.163 that authorizes Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative to utilize securitization financing to recover certain Winter Storm Uri wholesale power-related costs.  We expect the financing to close by the end of February, 2022. This financing will enable Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative to spread the extraordinary costs and expenses related to Winter Storm Uri over an extended period of time and keep our monthly bills to you as low as possible. The additional charges to cover these costs and expenses will be irrevocable, will be adjusted from month-to-month to pay the related bonds, and will be included on your monthly bills starting in or about February, 2022.